Mokslinės publikacijos:
Segal A. (2024). Emotions and Confirmation Bias in Simulated Child Sexual Abuse Investigative Interviews. [Daktaro disertacija, Mykolo Romerio universitetas]
Segal A., Bakaitytė A., Kaniušonytė G., Ustinavičiūtė-Klenauskė L., Haginoya S., Žukauskienė R., Santtila P. (2024). Are emotions and psychophysiological states experienced when observing a child sexual abuse interview associated with confirmation bias in subsequent question formulation? Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, Ahead-of-Print, 1-15
Segal A., Pompedda F., Haginoya S., Kaniušonytė G., Santtila P. (2024). Avatars with child sexual abuse (vs. no abuse) scenarios elicit different emotional reactions. Psychology, Crime & Law, 30(3), 250-270
Segal A., Bakaitytė A., Kaniušonytė G., Ustinavičiūtė-Klenauskė G., Haginoya S., Zhang Y., Pompedda F., Žukauskienė R., Santtila P. (2023). Associations between emotions and psychophysiological states and confirmation bias in question formulation in ongoing simulated investigative interviews of child sexual abuse. Front. Psychol. 14:1085567
Žukauskienė R., Bakaitytė A., Kaniušonytė G., Segal A., Ustinavičiūtė-Klenauskė L., Santtila P. (2023). The lifetime prevalence of child sexual abuse assessed in young adults in Lithuania. Child Abuse & Neglect. 138, 106061
Segal A., Kaniušonytė G., Bakaitytė A., Žukauskienė R., Santtila P. (2023). The Effects of Emotions on the Assessment of Child Sexual Abuse Interviews. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. Ahead-of-Print
Zhang Y., Segal A., Pompedda F., Haginoya S., Santtila P. (2022). Confirmation bias in simulated CSA interviews: How abuse assumption influences interviewing and decision‐making processes? Legal and Criminological Psychology, 1-15
Girdenis T., Zajančkauskienė J., Segal A. (2022). Jaunesnio nei 16 metų asmens tvirkinimo ir seksualinio prievartavimo atribojimo problemos Lietuvos teismų praktikoje. Jurisprudencija, 29(1), 106-121
Segal A. (2020). Veiksniai, darantys įtaką nepilnamečių parodymų kokybei: sisteminė kokybinių tyrimų literatūros analizė. Socialinis darbas, 18(2), 81-93